To be fair, what turned into pneumonia was really good at disguising itself, initially, as no more than a common chest cold, a mere kennel cough I had heard barking its way through most of my expat comrades. When I…
Trying to Get off of the Laos Blacklist with a Trip and a Train
I’m getting on a train tonight and leaving the country for the first time since I came here. I’m hoping I can come back to Laos in 2014 and have a do-over. Maybe the New Year (which it culturally doesn’t…
And So This is Christmas, and I Keep Forgetting
All of my lessons for the next week are planned, so I’m taking advantage of a rare opportunity for solitude at work by grading upstairs in our classroom. Well, I mean clearly I am not grading in this exact moment;…
Coming to Albania, or, The 100 Year Independence Celebration
I’m singing the title of this blog post in my head to the tune of James Brown’s “Living in America”, which is two layers relevant, since my friends, who live in America, are coming to Albania. Layers of relevant- mmmm,…